Sunday 2 March 2014

“Here’s your bag of pills……”

A phrase I got used to hearing as Ben handed me a small, clear, snap-lock bag with unmarked capsules, each training session.  This was just what I needed after smashing a heavy set. It made everything feel better.  I look forward to throwing several down the gurgler, almost like dog pouncing on a bone.

What are these pills I hear you ask? BCAA’s (Branch Chain Amino Acids) and they’re little miracle pills. Ben gives me the Poliquin BCAA’s and they have a host of positive benefits (which I can attest to). Research suggests they reduce muscle soreness from intense strength work, especially when you’re starting to feel fatigued. I totally agree as there have been numerous times when I felt tired with burning muscles towards or at the end of a set and think, I cannot go any further but shortly after some BCAA’s I surprise myself with the new lease of energy.  BCAA’s initiate protein synthesis and inhibit muscle breakdown.  More information about BCAA’s:

Another hidden gem is Glutamine. It may sound naïve but I never really looked past protein shakes. Health food stores had loads of containers of “stuff” I didn’t even know about, with images of muscly, angry men doing the ‘constipation face’ pose. Glutamine is relatively cheap, tasteless and mixes well with water.  I use one by an Aussie company called ‘APS’ and have tried an American brand ‘PrimaForce’ (the latter which is micronized, more expensive and apparently more readily absorbed but I don’t notice any difference). Glutamine (use only pure, pharmaceutical grade with no additives) is the most abundant free amino acid in the body and is involved in so many bodily functions. I take 15g x 4 day.

Glutamine is the bees knees for accelerating recovery and helping remove waste products produced during training. I have found that is has also improved my gut and I have not experienced any of my IBS symptoms, since starting with Glutamine in early January 2014. Research actually suggests Glutamine seals gap junctions in the intestinal wall as a result of leaky gut and inflammation, as well as regulating blood sugar. This is great news for anyone craving any carbs or sugary foods. Say bye bye to cravings! Many Glutamine articles can be found here:

L-Carnitine was introduced into my supplementation regime about 4 weeks into the program. L-Carnitine transports the fatty acids into the mitochondria (muscle cells). From there, they're converted into energy that can be used immediately (sparing muscle glycogen), which means greater fat burning! However, I also take adequate Poliquin omega 3 fish oils (x3 day), which is important for Carnitine to be effective. This article provides more information:

With this holistic and individualised program, also comes a BioSignature assessment every two to three weeks. BioSignature addresses how your hormones affect fat storage around the body. Ben uses callipers to test the fat around twelve parts of my body. I made very successful improvements within the first 6 weeks, with the biggest drop in my hamstring fat receptor sites down  from 27mm to 18.4mm and quads from 22mm to 15mm, whilst muscle mass increased from 51.7kg to 52.1kg. I’m working hard to keep dropping body fat, yet maintain/ increase muscle mass.

My initial profile indicated that my body’s oestrogen detoxification pathway was blocked, making it harder to flush out xenoestrogens. It is said that fat accumulating in the hamstrings is due to oestrogen mimickers in the diet from soy products, canned food, unfiltered water, pesticides from vegetables, ingested plastics, as well as poor gut health. I invested in a 4 week Oestrogen detox which involved rotating three types of Poliquin fibres and consuming the following supplements: Poly Estrodetox, EstroClear for Women and DIM2.0 rotationally, as well as Calcium Deglucarate and Complete Multi daily. Ben mentioned there could some side effects from this detox such as bloating, headaches or constipation but luckily I didn’t experience anything unpleasant. As you could imagine, this whole journey is an investment: emotionally, physically, mentally and financially! I don’t start things unless I can commit to it 100% and with that thought in mind, went ahead with the (pricey) Oestrogen Detox. In hindsight, I am so glad I did, as my successful results to date, reinforce that I made the right choices.
It’s now exactly four weeks until the competition. Time to sharpen, polish and get stricter. I know Ben is being cruel to be kind ;)

“Keep your blood clean, your body lean, and your mind sharp.” – Henry Rollins

Take aways:

1) If you’re considering using supplementation, do your research about the products and speak to a great coach who will tailor something specifically for YOU.

2) Bodybuilding isn’t a cheap sport. As with anything, weigh up the return on the investment and work out if this is right for you.

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