Saturday 1 March 2014


Did you know that your hips hold a multitude of emotions and tend to harbour negative states such as stress, fear, guilt and sadness? Tight hips and pent up emotions will undoubtedly put the kibosh on your sex drive!

This post is part of the juicy ‘Flex and Sex’ series of Yoga asanas, to reinvigorate your sex life. According to research in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, participants who practised the following postures, for 1 hour a day over 12 weeks, showed significant improvements in arousal, desire and better orgasms. 

TYPE OF ASANAS:                        HIP OPENERS

Our hips tend to hold a lot of deep-seated emotions, which can be un-expectedly unearthed with hip opening asanas, such as: pigeon, lizard, goddess, child’s pose and  wide-legged forward folds. It’s not unusual for emotions to arise during a yoga practice, particularly during poses that open the hips and pelvis. Poses like Pigeon, put pressure on our lower 2 chakras (root and sacral), which govern our needs for survival, trust, intimacy and stability. I’m sure we can all relate to having some kind of emotional baggage, be it a relationship breakdown, death of a loved one, illness, financial pressures, confidence and feelings of self-worth, career stress. Don’t be surprised if you feel a range of emotions during hip-opening exercises.

On a more physical note (if you’re not into the spiritual side), hip-opening poses benefit each and every one of us. Irrespective of whether you’re an office worker, delivery driver, weight lifter or martial arts athlete, supple hips can: ease back pain, relieve  knee joint discomfort, improve posture and gait (just to name a few). Many of us unfortunately spend longer than we should, sitting down all day behind a desk or in the car. This further exacerbates tightness in the hips, glutes and legs. Try to incorporate daily stretches throughout the day. Stand up when the phone rings, walk over and talk to a colleague rather than sending an email. As our hip ligaments are strong, move through the postures gently, work receptively with your breath through the full range of motion in the ball and socket hip joint.

Begin to feel better (physically, emotionally and sexually), by incorporating these hip-opening poses into your daily routines!


This standing variation of the Lizard pose relaxes the hips and quietens the mind. Focus on long, deep breaths whilst relaxing into this pose. Focusing on your breathing, rather than the racing thoughts in your mind, will help bring you into the present moment.
Lizard pose addresses tension in the hip flexors, groins, hamstrings and quads. This versatile pose also strengthens the inner thigh muscles and is a fantastic preparatory pose for Pigeon. The rotation of the spine has the added benefit of opening the chest, contracts the upper back and increases the stretch up into the psoas muscle. You can choose the variation of the pose, which best suits you. Feel free to use a block to rest your hand on. Stay for 10 breaths then switch sides.


Yoga Model: Jacquie is demonstrating the Pigeon Pose
Pigeon pose is arguably one of the most introspectively challenging poses, which confronts your self-awareness. It’s different to other poses whereby you let yourself fall into the pose, as you aren’t actively pushing your muscles into it. Rather, you let gravity take over. When you start to let go with your body, you begin to let go with your mind.

If you notice an emotional release brewing, without any judgement simply acknowledge this. As San Francisco Vinyasa teacher Stephanie Snyder noted “Be present without judgment” ( Embrace any emotional release, as this will ultimately lead you closer to healing your mind, body and spirit, as one single entity. Conversely, don’t feel disappointed if you don't experience an emotional release. Rather, pay attention to any areas of your body where you feel any sensations such as tightness and pain. Direct your focus to these sensations, breathe and send your healing energies there. Hip opening poses move prana (life force) through that pelvic region.

Larissa showing a variation: One-Legged King Pigeon
 Pose II  ( Eka Pada Rajakapotasana II) 

Consciously work on allowing pigeon to release deep tension in your hips and stabilise your emotions. Flexible hips and a calm emotional state, help bring the jingle jangle, in your bingle bangle. Relax into the pose and hold for 10 long, deep breaths. Change sides.


Larissa demonstrating Upavistha Konasana 
Boost your libido and heighten your state of arousal with the wide leg straddled pose! Spreading your legs, whilst arching forward encourages greater blood flow to the pelvic area and increases circulation. The more blood surging to the pelvic area, the greater your sense of arousal. Greater blood flow = more energy and more vitality.

This forward bend has the added benefits of strengthening the insides of the legs and releasing the groins. If your hips or hamstrings are too tight, this pose can create tension on the lower back and worsen sciatic pain. Always remember (when bending forward), to hinge forward at the hip crease and don't round through your lower back. Only go as far as comfortable.
You can increase the forward bend on each exhalation until you feel a comfortable stretch in the backs of your legs. Remain in the pose for at least 1 minute. Return up on an inhalation with a long front torso.


Model Farrah is demonstrating Balasana
How many times has someone said to you “You think too much” or “you over-analyse everything”? Women are often so consumed with what’s going on in our heads, that we seldom focus on what’s going on in our bodies. As women we need to work really hard to make sure our minds are focused and relaxed when being intimate. Anything that assists you to be “in the moment”, will help you feel more sensual. Don’t let your mind sabotage a good love-making session. Stay in the present.

This soothing, restorative pose helps align the mind with the body. Child’s pose gently stretches the hips, thighs and ankles. It relieves back pain and alleviates stress and fatigue. Lift the base of your skull from the back of your neck, whilst lengthening your tailbone away from the back of the pelvis. Stay in this pose for as long as you need you. I recommend two-three minutes. 


Larissa relaxing in Goddess Pose
 Goddess pose is said to enhance healthy functioning of the reproductive organs and relieve symptoms of PMS and menopause- all buzz killers, which can leave you feeling as desirable a pile of dirty laundry. Furthermore, Goddess pose teaches you how to become at ease with being vulnerable, which is something sexual and emotional intimacy demands.

This restorative hip opener is especially great if you’re time-poor. Draw your feet close enough towards your body, so you feel a hip stretch. A block, bolster or rolled up towel can be used under the knees if your hips are super tight. Try not to focus on pushing your knees down to the ground, this may be counter-intuitive if you’re really tight in the groin area. Let gravity gently weight them down.

Full step-by-step pose instructions online: &

Beginners, I’d recommend you to see a trained yoga professional to guide you through the movements, so that you perform the poses correctly and safely.

This information can also be viewed on

Reference list
Barrett, E 2005, Sexy Yoga: 40 Poses for Mindblowing Sex and Greater Intimacy, Berkeley, USA.

Anderson, D 2014, Hip enough, Yoga Journal, viewed 1 March 2014, <>.

Dhikav V, Karmarkar G, Gupta R, Verma M, Gupta R, Gupta S & Anand K, 2010, ‘Yoga in female sexual functions’, Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol. 7, pp. 964-970.

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