Thursday 20 March 2014


It’s fair to say that everyone experiences digestive issues from time to time— whether it’s an upset stomach, heartburn, gas, constipation or diarrhoea. These digestive concerns may be uncomfortable and embarrassing, however they’re temporary. Some can be managed with simple changes in your diet and others may require the advice of a medical professional. You may feel embarrassed, anxious or frustrated when it impacts on your sex life. These feelings can make symptoms worse and your sex life further confounded in titter tatters.

This post is part of the ‘Flex and Sex’ series of Yoga asanas, to refresh your sex life. According to research in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, participants who practised the following postures, for 1 hour a day over 12 weeks, showed significant improvements in arousal, desire and better orgasms. 

Model Michelle, demonstrating the Bow pose.

Bow is a basic posture of Hatha yoga, is part of the Bikram series and is a favourite in Kundalini yoga.

It helps to improve the function of the large and small intestines, liver, kidneys and spleen. Bow pose helps to relieve dyspepsia and constipation, whilst strengthening the abdominal muscles, thighs, hips and upper arms.

Bow pose is a great one to practice if you have been sitting down in the front of the computer/driving for a long time. It helps to straighten out rounded spines and improve Kyphosis (over curvature of the thoracic vertebrae/ upper back), expanding the rib cage and providing relief from back ache.

There is nothing sexier than a strong, erect posture which communicates confidence through body language. Bow pose will help settle that tummy and push your shoulders back- you’ll be surprised how much more confident (and sexier) it makes you look. Stand up and have a look at yourself in the mirror after completing a few rounds of Bow pose. Notice how you look and feel. Notice how your posture has changed. A confident posture accentuates your attractive physical features and invites positive attention. Feel more confident, capable and ready for action!

Beginners: reach back and grasp your ankles, whilst keeping the rest of your body on the floor; pull your heels in your butt. Intermediate: raise up off the ground and press ankles away from you, with chest and thighs raised off the floor. Advanced: rock back (exhaling) and forth (inhaling). Refrain from eating for 2 hours before practicing this pose.

I would suggest holding this pose for 30 seconds before resting and repeating.

Full step-by-step pose instructions online: 

Beginners, I’d recommend you to see a trained yoga professional to guide you through the movements, so that you perform the poses correctly and safely.

This information can also be viewed: Like my page and stay tuned for all the updates!

Reference list

Dhikav V, Karmarkar G, Gupta R, Verma M, Gupta R, Gupta S & Anand K, 2010, ‘Yoga in female sexual functions’, Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol. 7, pp. 964-970.

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